

CHALLENGE: Zellers launched in 2023 with very strong and well thought out branding; however, they did not have a long term plan in place for post-launch content creation. As a result, their social media channels began to feel disjointed. Our goal was to develop a content and visual plan for Zellers that would allow for flexible content creation without sacrificing their branding.

SOLUTION: Working with the Zellers’ social media team, we developed content pillars for their social channels that incorporated UGC content, product education, lifestyle inspiration, and trending moments. We then created a visual feed flow, alternating between one designed graphic, and one full frame image to keep the feed looking consistent and visually impactful, but not overly branded to the point of unapproachability. Each pillar had two template options - one image based, and one graphics based so that no matter the day and content type we wouldn’t have to sacrifice the feed flow.

RESULT: This flexible approach allowed the Zellers social media team to have maximum flexibility with their content creation while ensuring that they had a very straightforward and templated way to maintain the visual consistency of their feed. As the Zellers social media design team is very small, this streamlined approached also improved workflow and allowed for more thoughtful and inspired content creation.